Saturday, November 14, 2015

Thoughts on the Free College Movement

Here are some of my thoughts about the recent movement about free college.  Some students want to be forgiven for all student loan debt, free tuition and a very high minimum wage.  While I also feel like college is expensive, I also do NOT feel like it should be free.

I don't think it should be free because everything that is meaningful in life comes with a sacrifice. You can't make it back to heaven making bad choices.  You must have faith in Jesus Christ, be baptized, repent and endure to the end.  There are no short cuts on the path to eternal life.  If you want a family, you must sacrifice personal time, time with friends and that can be a lot for some people.  The people who make the choice to have a family believe that kids are worth everything that is given up.

I also do not believe that college should be free because once it is, it will be worth no more than a high school diploma is now.  If I am an employer, a college degree would not longer mean a potential employee is worth as much as right now.  I know I expect every one to have a degree and if someone doesn't, it would be easy to pass up those who don't.  It dilutes the pool of those who have WORKED for their degree.

I am 24, have a full time and part time job, have a wife and daughter, and have NO STUDENT LOANS!!!!  I don't feel like going into debt is even an option.  I receive financial aid, which I think is a good thing, but have worked and saved for the rest.  I have paid cash for all my 90+ college credits.
There is no real secret as to how I have done this.  I have worked nights, days, afternoons, and help 2 jobs most of the past 4 years.  I have worked as many as 70+ hours some weeks, all in an effort to pay for college.  My hope is that I will be able to graduate next spring or summer, and then be prepared enough to handle a job that makes a lot more money than I am making now.

I recently switched jobs, and the job I was hired for was difficult.  I had never done anything like it before, so I struggled.  Luckily, there was a position in a different department that I had done well at in the past, so I got hired there.  It was a learning experience for me.  It taught me that I have to work to get better at some things in order to make the kind of money I want to to be able to support a family long term.  The jobs I have now pays better than I had been making, but $10.50 an hour will not support a family for very long.

When I saw this free college movement, I couldn't help but think that those who support this are people who would be willing to accept communism or socialism, because in those societies the government provides everything for its citizens.  I do not want college to be free, and I don't think college is for everyone.  I do feel like you should have to sacrifice in order to obtain a college degree, not whine about it until others feel sorry for you and pay for yours.  I have had to earn what I have gotten thus far by hard work.  Maybe those who want free college should spend their time working instead of whining.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

God is in control

A few months ago, my life began to take sudden turns.  Out of the blue, my dad called me about a job opening at his work.  He said I would do well at it, and that I should apply.  This random phone call has changed my life.

I applied for the job, and was one of three finalists for the position.  It would have paid over $12 an hour, which is a huge raise from what I have been making.  It would have begun at 4 am, and it would have allowed me time to do school work at night.  I was excited about the possibility of making more money, and at experiencing new challenges.

I have enjoyed my time working at Comfort Inn and Chrysalis, which have shaped my life.  I have made many friendships at both job.  I will be sad to leave Chrysalis, as I work with three wonderful adults with disabilities.  Despite those disabilities, they are all really smart and fun people.  I have loved meeting new people at Comfort Inn, and have done 90% of my schoolwork thus far while working there.

I did not end up getting the position at JBS, but just the thought that I could make that much money per hour was exciting.  I had thought I had to get a college degree to make that much, and I still have a lot of school left.  But I now knew I had a chance to make some serious money.

A co-worker of 2 years at Comfort Inn left last month.  He had already graduated, and he was single.  He told me that as long as he had a job, he wouldn't really work that hard at finding a new one.  He enjoyed working at the hotel, and it was comfortable.  After applying for the JBS job, I understood what he meant.  I had it easy, my boss liked me and gave me an easy schedule, and I knew if I didn't find a better paying job, I could always keep working there.

Through this time, my wife Cathy has been a wonderful support to me.  She encouraged me and thought I was worth  more that I thought I was.  She is always the person who tells me to go for things I am unsure of.  She tells me I have nothing to lose.  I am grateful for that encouragement.

A few weeks ago my brother and his wife told me I should apply for a job at Conservice.  My sister in law works there, and she enjoys her work.  Well, I did, and passed the assessment and interview there.  
I got a call on Thursday, offering me a position at Conservice.  I would be paid $12 an hour, with quite a few benefits I am not currently getting.  I would not have to work any more Sundays, so I can become active in the church again.  I will get 10 paid vacation days per year.  I would get medical, dental, and vision insurance.  

I was excited, and the first person I told was Cathy.  She shouted with joy at the news!  She now has a husband who has a normal job, rather than 2 jobs that work at different times.  We will have more income, and the opportunity to greatly help our financial future.

With a huge increase in pay, we are exploring options on how to save, the best ways to save, and to get rewards for using a credit card.  We plan to be responsible and pay it off in full each month.  We just want to start using one or two effectively to get benefits for spending our own money.

I have learned through these experiences that God is in control of our lives.  I have learned I made a very good choice in my wife, and she is very supportive, and constantly encourages me to try new things, and to become a better husband and provider for our little family.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Lately it seems like I have had much more time to read than I have in a long while.  Or maybe it is because Cathy and I are starting to put Alli to bed earlier each day, so we can have time to do things we want to do without having a baby to look after all the time.  Whatever the cause, the result has been more free time to pursue a passion of mine: reading.

I have been reading several books at the same time.  I enjoy this, because whenever a book reaches a dull part, or I lose interest in it, I can go to another book, and put up where I left off with that one.  After awhile, I come back to the first book.  I have found I have more interesting thoughts, and make connections better when I am thinking of multiple plot twists in the same day.

I wanted to write about a few quotes from several books.  Two are from Words Onscreen by Naomi Baron, and the other two are from Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle.  Words Onscreen is about how eBooks and eReaders, tablets and cell phones have changed the way American's read today, and whether it will help or hurt our literacy in the long run.  And Sherlock Holmes is a classic novel that I have never read before.

"What if you have real work to do, like taking a test on Macbeth in high school, or writing a paper on War and Peace in college?  Teachers would like to believer that in preparation, everyone actually read the works in question.  But let's not be naive.  Not when there are cliffnotes and sparknotes, offering tidy plot summaries." - Baron

"Make no mistake: short form reading can be both enjoyable and edifying.  The essay is short formed, as (obviously) are short stories.  The issue is whether today's surge in snack sized texts also marks a more towards more light weight reading." - Baron

I think these two quotes are the basic for Baron's book.  Her argument is that tablets and eReaders are changing the way people read, and they don't really read the heavy classics anymore.  I admit, when I started Sherlock I didn't know what some words meant.  A lot of people don't read because reading can be hard.  Most people don't read classics because it takes time and effort to read.  The classics are classic because the life lessons they teach, and not many people are reading them anymore.  The most popular books are fast paced, violent novels that are full of fluff.

"He was not studying medicine.  He had himself, in reply to a question, confirmed Stamford's opinion upon that point.  Neither did he appear to have pursued any course of reading which might fit him for a degree in science or any other recognized portal which would give him an entrance into the larned world.   Yet his zeal for certain studies was remarkable, and within eccentric limits his knowledge was so extraordinary ample and minute that his observations have fairly astounded me.  Surely no man would work so hard or attain such precise information unless he had some definite end in view.  Desultory readers are seldom remarkable for the exactness of their learning.  No man burdens his mind with small matters unless he has some very good reason for doing so." - Doyle

"You see," he explained, "I consider that a man's brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with furniture as you choose.  A fool takes in all the lumber of every sort that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded out, or at best is jumbled up with a lot of others things, so that he has difficulty in laying his hands upon it.  Now the skilled workman is very careful indeed as to what he takes into his brain-attic.  He will have nothing but the tools which may help him in doing his work, but of those he has a large assortment, and all in the more perfect order.  It is a mistake to think that that little room has elastic walls and can distend to any extent.  Depend upon it, there comes a time for addition of knowledge you forget something that yo knew before.  It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones." - Doyle

I love these two quotes, because they describe Holmes so well.  He is so good at solving crimes, he has no use for anything else.  The second quote shows how to be excellent at anything.  All you can do is practice, eat sleep and breathe what you want to be good at, whether it be sports, gaming, singing, or the piano.  I don't know if I have that type of commitment to anything, so I don't know if I have the drive to become excellent at a single thing.  And that is OK with me.  I want to be good at many things, so I can help myself and others out.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Writing for school

I am taking a course about Utah history this summer, and it has been quite interesting. I have had to read a journal written by a girl who crossed the plains in the Martin handcart company, as well as the journal by the first Spanish explorers in Utah. It has been fun to read about their experiences.

Here is the essay I had to write about the Dominguez/Escalante journal:

When Fray Francisco Atanasio Dominguez and Fray Francisco Silvestre Velez de Escalante went on an exploration in late July 1776, they had no idea that they would be among the first men of European descent to enter the area of the United States now called Utah. They traveled with a number of companions each of whom became part of a historic group of explorers. These explorers discovered and recorded things about the land that proved invaluable to those settlers who came after them. While their main purpose was to spread Christianity which in their minds they failed at, their ultimate result was to document a land that would eventually lead to the safe harbor of one group of Christians. The information they collected proved invaluable in the years to come.

The first English translation of the Dominguez/Escalante journal was not published before 1909.[1] While this translation was made much later than Utah was settled, stories of the journey must have spread letting early settlers of Utah, like the Mormons, know that Utah was suitable for settlement. The expedition was the first of many journeys by Europeans to the land now called Utah.

While the group set out to discover a possible land route to California, they marched over a large area and walked over a large portion of Utah. Fray Escalante wrote the most about the trip in his diary, and, thus, gets most of the credit for it, but a careful study of it shows that both Dominguez and Escalante had a part in its writing. The maps found in the journal were drawn by Don Bernardo Miera[2]. Unfortunately, they were unable to accomplish their goal of reaching California.[3]

The journal is important because is it the first primary source we have about most of the state of Utah. The traveler’s route took them across eastern Utah, to Utah Lake,[4] and south along the I-15 corridor. They found and then named the Virgin River, and discovered a way across the Grand Canyon.

The Dominguez/Escalante journal was important for several other reasons. The journal gives us a glimpse of what Utah looked like in 1776. Sometimes we can forget that the landscape of an area can change over time. The land has since been mined for precious metals, and houses have filled up many valleys in Utah, making it hard to see the original landscape. It is the first known account of the land, geography and latitude of much of the state. It describes areas that would be ideal for settlements, should the Spanish want to start one.

The journal describes what the natives lived in, what they ate, and what they dressed like. “Their dwellings are some sheds or... huts of hollow willow. They are very poor as regards to dress.” “They gather the seeds of wild plants in the bottoms and make gruel, which they supplement with the game of jackrabbits, cottontail rabbits and fowl.”[5]

The journal describes the geology of the land,[6] native plants that are edible,[7] and where there is good timber for building, rivers and good soil for crops. This information must have helped those who came after them, such as the Mormon leader, Brigham Young, who later considered the area to be a place where he could take his followers. “There is good land along these three rivers, (Lower Duchesne, Lake Fork and upper Duchesne rivers) that we crossed today, and plenty of it for farming with the aid of irrigation - beautiful poplar groves, fine pastures, timber and firewood not too far away, for three good settlements.”[8] The journal describes many features of the land that are distinctive to southern Utah: mesas, the Virgin River was known as “Rio Sulfureo”, which is Spanish for Sulphur River and red rocks.

The travelers fell into hard times as they approached and went through the area of Southern Utah, called Dixie today. They ran out of water and food. They had to kill horses to survive.[9] The journal describes canyons that were difficult to traverse by house, and by foot.[10]

The expedition was significant because it was one of the first groups of Europeans to cross the Grand Canyon. The group had a hard time finding a way through, and they were unable to cross it for several days. They tried floating down the river,[11] (page 114) and climbing steep cliffs. Finally they found a way out. The climb was a “very sloping sand dune for a start, and afterward extremely difficult stretches and dangerous ledges.”[12]

The expedition was significant at the time because it helped open a trail from California to New Mexico. This enabled the Spanish to begin trading and have contact with Indians. There was once a thriving overland trade between landlocked New Mexico and California. This trail was the principle route for most goods that went from east to west. It led to a significant decrease in time taken to move goods from Santa Fe to Los Angeles or San Diego.

The journal and expedition impacted Utah’s history later by introducing the native tribes to white men, and making them familiar with them. Most Indians were probably unfamiliar with white men before Dominguez and Escalante came. Establishing good relations among the Indians surely would have helped the later Mormon settlers.[13]

The stories comprised in this journal provided important information to the Mormons who learned people could survive in the Rocky Mountains, where they could live their lives free of religious persecution and fear. They knew that there were few hostile Indian tribes, and that there was land where they could grow crops. Before the 1900’s, most food people ate they grew themselves, so this was very important.

The friars Dominguez and Escalante wanted to help spread Christianity.[14] “The motives of our coming [were explained], and the principal one was to seek the salvation of their souls and to show them the only means whereby they could attain it - the chief, primary, and necessary one being to believe in a single true God, to love Him and obey Him wholly by doing what is contained in His holy and spotless law.”[15] This was their main purpose for undertaking this journey that took them across Utah. The friars were unable to come back to Utah to teach the natives,[16] and it would be several years before any Spanish came back to the region. However, long after their deaths their goal was ultimately realized in the information they provided to save one group of Christian Mormon pioneers.

[1] Ted J. Warner, editor, The Escalante Journals, (Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press, 1995). Intro, xi
[2] Ibid, intro xii
[3] Ibid, intro xv
[4] Ibid, page 63
[5] Warner, page 72
[6] Ibid, page 6
[7] Ibid, page 7
[8] Ibid, page 58
[9] Ibid, page 99
[10] Ibid, page 99
[11] Ibid, page 114
[12] Ibid, page 116
[13] Warner, page 65
[14] Ibid, page 66
[15] Ibid, page 66
[16] Ibid, intro xv

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Memorial Day

This weekend is Memorial Day, where Americans remember those who have passed on.  This year has already been a great few days centering around this day.  On Thursday my family and I got the chance to go to Salt Lake to see several of my ancestor's graves.

We visited my grandma's parents, aunts and uncles graves.  We found of from my grandma the reason why they are buried where they are.  We are keeping track of how to best find each grave, so we can show our kids these graves.

We went to Hyrum, where Cathy's grandpa's parents and some siblings are buried.  Her mom told us about an uncle, who had a very adventurous life.  We went to Hyde Park, where our common ancestor's are buried.  Cathy and I are 4th cousins.  We found the grave of Karlo, who Cathy knew from Scout Camp.  We found my grandfather's parents, and his siblings graves.

Tomorrow, we will go and see even more graves.  It is an exciting time, as both Cathy and I want to learn more about our relatives.  This is a fairly new development, as I haven't been all that enthusiastic about genealogy in years past.  But now, I am.

I have been thinking about why this is.  Is it because I am older, and more mature?  Could it be because some of those I love are getting older?  I realize that grandparents and parents must die sometime.  Luckily, the closest person I have had die to me are two great grandma's.  I have my grandparents and parents still living.

I think it is hitting home that this life really is short.  I won't be here forever, and I want leave a mark during my life.  I want to make a difference.  If I can help a few people become better, I will be so happy.  I am sure all of these people, whose graves I have seen recently, were the same.  They wanted to be happy, and make the world a better place.  Marking graves is a way people can remember those who made a mark on their lives.

I have seen several variations of a picture that brings this point home.  The picture is of a cemetery, with a woman in front of the grave, with a baby in a carrier.  A caption underneath says something like: "In case you thought Memorial Day is National Barbecue Day."  The purpose of this picture is to remind us that tomorrow is a time for family and friends, but also remembering those who have made an impact during their lives.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

God is in control

There is a lesson I have learned the past few days: God is in control.  This is a concept that is hard to learn, as it implies we give up the desire to control our lives.  That's not to say we are unable make our own choices. We still have total control of our mortal bodies and lives, but we don't control others actions.  This is what I have learned: God will causes things to happen to you no matter what you do. These things are for your (or my) benefit.

This past semester I have been taking a math1050 class.  I am not one who likes math very much.  I love it when I have a use for it.  If I need to add or subtract, I am grateful I can do math.  But when I am learning how to find the center of a hyperbola, what use is that to my in my life right now?  Unless I am planning on teaching math, or do something with a lot of math, this has no use to me.

This is my biggest grip against the traditional public school setting: there are many things that are taught when there is no practical use for the information.  I didn't even know what a hyperbola was until this class. I see absolutely no reason under the sun why I need to know this.  It holds no practical use to the average person.  It makes no sense to me.  Instead of making me learn how to solve an inequality, why not help me learn useful information?  Schools could do their students a big service by teaching practical knowledge and how to use it.

I am not against public schools.  They help millions gain basic knowledge and life skills.  I think they could do a better job doing it, however.

I bring this up because I did not pass the math 1050 class.  I got below a 60% on the final exam, which according to the school meant I fail the class, no matter how much work I put into it. I spent hundreds of hours over the course of the semester learning, studying, and doing homework problems.  I know I did terrible on the test, which is my fault.  I am not very good at taking tests, especially with subjects I dislike.

Well, I got really down on myself.  I felt like a failure.  I've never failed a class before.  It was a new feeling for me.  I needed to take this class, as this was a pre-requisite for Stats 2300, which is required to get into the USU school of business.  I had received special permission to get into the class before my grade for 1050 had posted, and now I had failed to pass.

Well, I told Cathy, and she has been a huge help.  She has been encouraging, helping me see that I am not a failure.  She was by my side the whole time, even when I was down on myself.  She saw the true potential in me.

I went home that night, and opened the scriptures to Alma.  I don't remember which chapter I read, but Alma was giving a sermon about the priesthood, and how great a blessing it is to hold it.  I realized that others may not see me as a success, but God does.  I have been blessed to hold His priesthood on earth, as long as I live worthy of it.  Reading this changed my whole outlook on the situation.

I knew I could enroll again in 1050, and make sure I knew the material this time.  Or I could take a placement test, and hopefully pass.  Well, the math department was kind enough to allow me to take the placement exam, and I PASSED!  I was so excited, and Cathy jumped for joy when I walked out of the building smiling!

We went to Cafe Sabor to celebrate my success.  While I ended up still being able to get into Stats 2300, if I had passed 1050 the first time, I may not have been able to learn this valuable lesson:  God is in control, and as long as we trust him, we will be ok.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Not too long ago, I was speaking with a good friend of mine, and I told him something that has been on my mind. I said, "I have found after my mission, that my spiritual life seems to go in waves. There are waves where I do good, then I dip into letting things like daily scripture study slide. The challenge I have is to keep the top of that wave going as long as possible before I dip."

What I said stuck with me for a few days, and I shared that with a family in our ward while home teaching. I believe this statement applies to many of us. I can't speak for everyone, but from those I am close to, this seems to be the case. You have a few days, week or a month where you are relating everything to the gospel, studying for an hour a day, and doing good paying tithes and offerings.

Life always seems to get in the way. There comes a day when you are swamped at work, and you have the kids go to bed before you can read together. Then, it is your own scripture study that suffers. You know better. You can somehow justify that you are too busy, you know the gospel backwards and forwards, etc... Satan always tells us it is OK to put it off for another day, no one is perfect. The struggle I have is to not allow one day to break a habit; unfortunately, I normally allow it to.

Well, you go to church one day, and a talk reminds you of what your priorities should be and then you improve your habits. You don't allow the scriptures to slide, no matter tired you are or how late the hour. You are doing what you need to be doing, and your life improves. There is less stress, your kids seem better behaved.

I believe that there is power that is given to us when we do the simple things of the gospel. The other day I was stressed because I have a math final coming up, and I was trying to study for it. It's an online class, and the video's for it weren't loading no matter what I tried. I spent a long time searching online for the help i needed to make the material stick in my mind.

I decided I needed to stop studying math, and focus for awhile on the gospel. I have been reading a book, Christopher Columbus by Clark Hinckley, and I wanted to read some talks given by our church leaders on this subject. I found quite a few, and those I read were awesome. Many were given in the 1970's, way before I was born. Reading them gave me new understanding of Columbus and the importance he played in the restoration of the gospel.

The Book of Mormon foretold of Columbus, and how he would open the American Continents to European colonization. This colonization was key to the restoration, because the Book of Mormon needed to be brought forth in America where it had a chance to take hold. If it had come forth in another land or time, it would have failed.

President N. Eldon Tanner gave a talk entitled If they will but serve the God of the land that described this very concept. He said that there had been other people after the Nephites that had discovered America, but no colonization efforts were made or took hold. The timing simply wasn't right. Columbus had to be the one to open the doors to the Western Hemisphere for the Europeans.  It had been foretold by a prophet.

I also wanted to know more about the Law of Moses, and why it was given to the Israelites.  I've been reading Exodus to find out more.  The Doctrine and Covanents tells us the reason why: it was a carnal law, one the people could understand.  In the form given, it was to remind them of Christ and his coming.  Unfortunately, the Jewish leaders amended and changed the Law to add burdensome requirements, and it changed over time. That is why Christ denounced the Law; it simply wasn't being practiced the intended way.

I would never have understood these if I had not taken the time to simply read a talk and study the scriptures.  I have gained so much knowledge about history and the importance of eternal laws.  I felt so much better after reading the scriptures, I began to study and actually understood what I was reading.  Before reading the scriptures all I understood was that I dislike math with a passion as taught in schools, and am excited that after this class, I will no longer be required to take any ever again.
One other example I would like to share is the power of priesthood blessings.  Cathy and I are taking an upcoming trip to California, and we were both stressed out about it. Allison is 6 months old, and just starting to not want to be seperated from us when she sleeps.  We kept trying to put her to sleep, then put her in her crib and have her sleep all night.  She was having none of that.  She kept waking up and screaming and screaming until we picked her up.

Some might say we are allowing the baby to rule us, because we don't let her scream until she falls asleep.  I hate doing that for longer than a few minutes, and we have upstairs neighbors who don't want to hear her scream at 11:30 at night.  We kept trying and trying, but to no avail.

Well, Cathy received a blessing, and it was like all our stresses went away.  We have been very worried for Alli, as she hates being in her car seat.  We are taking a longer trip so that we aren't driving for 12 hours a day.  We were worried because I am taking so much time off work.  We had a lot of worries, to say the least.  

Well, after the blessing, it seemed like we had nothing to worry about; that things would be alright.  I know they will be, and now I can stop worrying about things I can't control right now.  I know the Priesthood is God's power on earth, and it is here to bless his children.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Being a dad

Since my daughter, Alli was born in October, I have been a dad for 5 months.  This has been a life changing experience for me.  It has been fun, exciting, exhausting, and amazing.  Honestly, I have no complaints thus far.  I may grumble a little when Alli won't let me help her calm down, but I truly have an amazing daughter.

Alli has been an angel so far in her short time on earth.  She sleeps really well.  She has slept for 6 or more hours at night for most of her life.  She only screams when she is left alone, or is hungry.  She has an amazing mom who sacrifices for her so that she can be at home all day with Alli.

Alli is learning to stand up quite well.  She loves to put weight on her feet with support.  She is grabbing things, so we have to watch our dinner plates at the table.  She has a cute laugh, particularly when we play "peek-a-boo" with her.  Sometimes all Cathy and I have to do is say "Peek!" and she laughs.  She is growing tall.  She has always been light weight.  Last time she was checked by her doctor, she was in the 8th percentile of weight.  A few people have said that she looks small, but to me, she looks perfect.

She is starting to get teeth, which is causing her some pain.  She drools a lot, and spits up.  Despite all this, she is fun to play with.  She loves grabbing things and bringing them to her mouth.  She is even tempered, and doesn't scream much.

Alli is a sweet baby, and I love her dearly. I can't imagine going back to life without her.  I know I have not been home as much lately because I work so much, but hopefully she recognizes me when I am home.  I am excited for her next years in life.  I want to come home from work, and be her horse, her knight in shining armor, and her play mate.  Being a dad is great.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

To my wife

I am extremely grateful for my wonderful, beautiful wife Cathy.  She is an amazing mother and wife.  I appreciate all she does for me.  She may not feel like she does a lot, but she does.  She is a wonderful mother to our daughter, staying at home and helping her grow.  That is a HUGE blessing to me, knowing that my daughter is in loving hands.

Cathy also supports me in my efforts to complete school and to support our family.  I work 2 jobs, and often will get called in with one job.  It is normally at inconvenient times, and it is not easy for me to go to work when I have promised to spend time with her.  There should never be a time when I go back on a promise to her.  I have these conflicting choices, where my work needs me to help out, and my desire to be with her.  She doesn't complain when I have chosen to help my work, and I really appreciate it.

She is a wonderful support.  When I have a bad day, I can talk to her, and every time I do I feel so much better.  I know it is not easy for her to have me gone so much, but she understands why and allows it.  I love her, and am so grateful that she is so wonderful.  I hope I can one day be as awesome and amazing as her!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Books read in 2015

The Princess Bride by William Goldman
Christopher Columbus by Clark B. Hinkley
Pushing Brooms with Jack by Jack's Wisdom, LLC
Eddie Fantastic by Chris Heimerdinger
The Rent Collector by Camron Wright
The world is flat by Thomas Friedman
The naked economist Charles Wheelan
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Lavine

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Welcome to my blog, where I will be posting regularly about current events, post an interesting article, some random thoughts, and updates on my family!  I have been married to my best friend for over a year, have a 3 month old daughter, who is the cutest girl ever.  I am attending Utah State University, and hope to graduation in 2 years with a business degree.

I work two jobs, at the Comfort Inn where I am the Front Desk manager, and at Chrysalis as a support staff.  I love both jobs, and love going to work.  I love to eat, read, spend time with family, discuss ideas with others and I love playing games.  My favorite Christmas present this year is a game called, "Bang!".  It is so much fun to play.

I will often post about interesting books that I have read, and I hope that others who like to read can get some ideas of books from me.  I have a list of the 50 books everyone should read, and I hope you will look at the list, and see if you've read any.  Any list of great books will vary from person to person, and that is just fine.  We all have different likes and interests, and my intent with creating the list was to get others thinking about books that have influenced their lives.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Today I have been thinking about how blessed I am.  I am extremely blessed to have in my life a wonderful family.  I am grateful for all they do for me. 

My wife, Cathy, is just wonderful.  She is the best wife I could ask for.  She takes care of little Alli, and makes our house our home.  She a lot of fun to be around, and helps me see myself as someone special.  She always is there for me when I am having a hard day, and when the days are good.  I love her, and am looking forward to spending eternity with her.

Cathy and I are blessed to have a baby like Allison.  She routinely sleeps all night, making it easy for us to get enough sleep.  She is fun to hold, and she is beautiful.  She smiles a lot and is beginning to learn to sit up and laugh.  I love it when she laughs.

I am also grateful for parents.  My dad is always willing to help with math, which I need a lot of help in this semester.  My mom is also great, willing to let us come over and eat her food.  My siblings are fun to be around, and I love playing games with them.  I am blessed to have my grandparents live only a few blocks away from us.  Grandma always has a string cheese for me when I go over.

I have two wonderful jobs that allow me to support my family.  The Comfort Inn has been the perfect college job, allowing me to take online classes and get my associates degree.  I have done the majority of my homework at the hotel, and this semester is no different.

Working at Chrysalis has been awesome.  I work with 3 adults who have various disabilities.  Working with them is a blast, even when they are not on their best behavior.  Being around them makes me grateful for the body I have, even if it is a shape most of the world would frown on.  I love being me, and am not motivated enough to change it.  I like my body the way it is.

I am grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Cathy and I are taking an institute class together, and it is fun to be doing the work during the week, to remind me of the purpose of life.  It does get hard to always remember the gospel during the hustle and bustle of working and living life.

I am grateful for books, and look forward to reading 48 more awesome books this year.  My goal is to read 50.  I have read hundreds of books, and have loved every minute of it.  There is nothing like holding a book in my hands and forgetting everything and everyone around me while I am in another world, doing amazing things. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Article of the year

I read this and had to pass it along.

The Best…

3 economies 2 258x300 The Article of the Year!Last week Rachel asked me if I was going to write a “best books of the year” article like I have the last few years. “I’m not sure,” I sighed. “To tell the truth, I think it’s getting a little old. I see ‘best books,’ ‘best movies,’ ‘best albums,’ of the year, etc. in most of the national magazines and newspapers each year. In fact, I just recently read a December issue of a magazine that listed the ‘5 best of the year’ in all these categories. I think it’s a bit overdone these days.”
“That makes sense,” she responded. “But the end of the year is a profound time to look back and note important things that have happened. It’s natural, and it is good for us.” She pondered for a minute, then said enthusiastically, “What about a ‘best article of the year?’ Is there an article you wrote this year that you think is the most important one? Something everyone in America and beyond really needs to read?”
I immediately brightened and sat forward in my seat. “Yes!” I said. “There’s one article I wrote that I wish I could send out every week, over and over. I wish every person in North America would read it! And Europe, and beyond. It’s that important.”
“What is it?”
Well, here it is. The “Article of the Year!” If you read it before when it came out, please, please read it again. It’s that powerful. It’s that important. And if you haven’t read it before, now is the time.
The message of this article is extremely important! If you have children or grandchildren who will live, seek an education, and work in the next thirty years, the information in this article is vital. Absolutely vital. If you or your spouse will work in the next year, or three years, or ten years, the knowledge in this article is essential. This is an article on education, on leadership, and on the economy. Nobody should have to face the economy ahead without knowing what’s in this article! Read it! Enjoy it! Share it!
Here goes:

A Tale of Two

There are three economies in modern society. They all matter. But most people only know about two of them. They know the third exists, in a shadowy, behind-the-scenes way that confuses most people. But the first two economies are present, pressing, obvious. So people just focus on these two.
A couple of recent conversations brought these economies even more to the forefront of my thinking. First, I was meeting with an old friend, touching base about the years since we’d talked together. He mentioned that his oldest son is now in college, and how excited he is for his son’s future. I asked what he meant, and he told me an interesting story.
Over twenty years ago he ran into another of our high school friends while he was walking into his community college administration building. The two greeted each other, and they started talking. My friend told his buddy that he was there to dis-enroll from school. “I just can’t take this anymore,” he told him. “College is getting me nowhere.”
“Well, I disagree,” his buddy said. “I’m here to change my major. I’m going to get a teaching credential and teach high school. I want a steady job with good benefits.”
Fast forward almost thirty years. My friend ran into this same old buddy a few weeks ago, and asked him what he’s doing. “Teaching high school,” he replied.
“Really? Well, you told me that was your plan. I guess you made it happen. How much are you making, if you don’t mind me asking?”
When his friend looked at him strangely, he laughed and said, “I only ask because you told me you wanted a steady job with good benefits, and I wanted to get out of school and get on with real life. Well, I quit school that day, but I’m still working in a dead end job. Sometimes I wonder what I’d be making if I had followed you into the admin building that day and changed majors with you.”
After a little more coaxing, the friend noted that he didn’t make much teaching, only about $40,000 a year—even with tenure and almost thirty years of seniority. “But it’s steady work, like I hoped. Still, I’ve got way too much debt.”
After telling me this story, my old high school friend looked at me with what can only be described as slightly haunted eyes. “When he told me he makes $40K a year, I just wanted to scream,” my friend said.
“Why?” I asked.
He could tell I didn’t get what he was talking about, so he sighed and looked me right in the eyes. “I’ve worked 40 to 60 hour weeks every month since I walked off that campus,” he told me. “And last year I made about $18,000 working for what amounts to less than minimum wage in a convenience store. I should have stayed in college.”
That’s the two economies. One goes to college, works mostly in white-collar settings, and makes from thirty thousand a year up to about seventy thousand. Some members of this group go on to professional training and make a bit more. The other group, the second economy, makes significantly less than $50,000 a year, often half or a third of this amount, and frequently wishes it had made different educational choices.
The people in these two economies look at each other strangely, a bit distrustfully, wondering what “could have been” if they’d taken the other path. That’s the tale of two economies.
Most people understand the first two economies, but the Third Economy is elusive for most people. They don’t quite grasp it. In fact, you may be wondering what I’m talking about right now.
The Third Economy
This brings me to our main point. Ask members of either economy for advice about education and work, and they’ll mostly say the same thing. “Get good grades, go to college, get a good career. Use your educational years to set yourself up for a steady job with good benefits.” This is the advice my grandfather gave my father at age twenty, and the same counsel my dad gave me after high school. Millions of fathers and mothers have supplied the same recommendations over the past fifty years.
This advice makes sense if all you know are the two economies. Sadly, the third economy is seldom mentioned. It is, in fact, patently ignored in most families. Or it is quickly discounted if anyone is bold enough to bring it up.
3 economies 1 290x300 The Article of the Year!A second experience illustrates this reality. I recently visited the optometrist to get a new prescription for glasses. During the small talk, he mentioned that his younger grandchildren are in college, but scoffed that it was probably a total waste of time. “All their older siblings and cousins are college graduates,” he said, “and none of them have jobs. They’ve all had to move back home with their parents.”
He laughed, but he seemed more frustrated than amused. “It’s the current economy,” he continued. “This presidential administration has been a disaster, and it doesn’t look like anyone is going to change things anytime soon. I don’t know what these kids are supposed to do. They have good degrees—law, accounting, engineering—but they can’t find jobs. Washington has really screwed us up.”
I brought up the third economy, though I didn’t call it that. What I actually said was: “There are lots of opportunities in entrepreneurship and building a business right now.” He looked at me like I was crazy. Like maybe I had three heads or something. He shook his head skeptically.
“Entrepreneurship is hard work,” I started to say, “but the rewards of success are high and…”
He cut me off. Not rudely, but like he hadn’t really heard me. That happens a lot when you bring up the third economy.
“No,” he assured me, “college is the best bet. There’s really no other way.”
I wasn’t in the mood to argue with him, so I let it go. But he cocked his head to one side in thought and said, slowly, “Although…” Then he shook his head like he was discounting some thought and had decided not to finish his sentence.
“What?” I asked. “You looked like you wanted to say something.”
“Well,” he paused…then sighed. I kept looking at him, waiting, so he said, “The truth is that one of my grandsons didn’t go to college.” He said it with embarrassment. “Actually, he started school, but then dropped out in his second year. We were all really worried about him.”
He paused again, and looked at me a bit strangely. I could tell he wanted to say more, but wasn’t quite sure how to go about it.
“What happened?” I prompted.

What Really Works

“To tell you the truth, I’m not really sure. He started a business. You know, one of those sales programs where you build a big group and they buy from you month after month. Anyway, he’s really doing well. He paid off his big house a few years ago—no more mortgage or anything. He has nice cars, all paid for. And they travel a lot, just for fun. They fly chartered, real fancy. He and his wife took us and his parents to Hawaii for a week. He didn’t even blink at the expense.”
“That’s great,” I told him. “At least some people are doing well in this economy.”
He looked at me with that strange expression again. “I’m not sure what to make of it,” he said. “I keep wondering if he’s going to finish college.”
I was surprised by this turn of thought, so I asked, “So he can get a great education, you mean? Read the classics? Broaden his thinking?”
He repeated the three heads look. “No. He reads all the time, way more than anyone else in the family. He doesn’t need college for that. I want him to go back to college so he can get a real job.”
I laughed out loud. A deep belly laugh, it was so funny. I didn’t mean to, and I immediately worried that I would offend him, but he grinned. Then he shook his head. “I know it’s crazy, but I just keep worrying about him even though he’s the only one in the family who is really doing well. The others are struggling, all moved back in with their parents—spouses and little kids all in tow. But they have college degrees, so I keep thinking they’ll be fine. But they’re not. They’re drowning in student debt and a bunch of other debts. It just makes no sense.”
He sighed and talked bad about Washington again. Finally he said, “I’ve poured so much money into helping those kids go to college, and now the only one who has any money to raise his family is the one who dropped out. It just doesn’t make any sense.” He kept shaking his head, brow deeply furrowed.
I left his office thinking that he’s so steeped in the two economies he just doesn’t really believe the third economy exists. He just doesn’t buy it, even when all the evidence is right there in front of him. The whole economy has changed. It’s not your father’s or grandfather’s economy anymore. It just isn’t. Sadly, he just doesn’t get that the reality has changed.

Who Gets It

He’s not alone. The whole nation—most of today’s industrialized nations, in fact—are right there with him. So many people believe in the two economies, high school/blue collar jobs on the one hand, and college/white collar careers on the other. Most people just never quite accept that the entrepreneurial economy is real. They don’t realize that there are many less white collar jobs per capita now, and that this trend shows all the signs of increasing. They don’t admit the truth, that over half of college grads in recent years can’t find jobs, and a huge number of those with degrees and without degrees are moving back home just to survive. But the third economy is flourishing.
It’s too bad so many people won’t admit this, because that’s where nearly all the current top career and financial opportunities are found. The future is in the third economy, for those who realize it and get to work. If you’ve got kids, I hope you can see the third economy—for their sake. Because it’s real, and it’s here to stay. The first two economies are in major decline, whatever the so-called experts claim. Alvin Toffler warned us in his bestseller FutureShock that this was going to happen, and so did Peter Drucker, back when they first predicted the Information Age. Now it’s happening.
I hope more of us realize the truth before it’s too late. Because China gets it. So does India, and a bunch of other nations. The longer we take to get real and start leading in the entrepreneurial/innovative third economy (the real economy, actually), the harder it will be for our kids and grandkids. The third economy will dominate the twenty-first century. It already is, in fact. Whether you’ve chosen to see it yet or not. This is real. This is happening. This is the future. This is the current reality.
Truth is truth, even when our false traditions and outdated background refuse to let us see clearly. The parents who see this, embrace it, and help their kids prepare to take action in the third economy are providing a real education for their family. Everyone else…isn’t.