Thursday, February 5, 2015

To my wife

I am extremely grateful for my wonderful, beautiful wife Cathy.  She is an amazing mother and wife.  I appreciate all she does for me.  She may not feel like she does a lot, but she does.  She is a wonderful mother to our daughter, staying at home and helping her grow.  That is a HUGE blessing to me, knowing that my daughter is in loving hands.

Cathy also supports me in my efforts to complete school and to support our family.  I work 2 jobs, and often will get called in with one job.  It is normally at inconvenient times, and it is not easy for me to go to work when I have promised to spend time with her.  There should never be a time when I go back on a promise to her.  I have these conflicting choices, where my work needs me to help out, and my desire to be with her.  She doesn't complain when I have chosen to help my work, and I really appreciate it.

She is a wonderful support.  When I have a bad day, I can talk to her, and every time I do I feel so much better.  I know it is not easy for her to have me gone so much, but she understands why and allows it.  I love her, and am so grateful that she is so wonderful.  I hope I can one day be as awesome and amazing as her!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Books read in 2015

The Princess Bride by William Goldman
Christopher Columbus by Clark B. Hinkley
Pushing Brooms with Jack by Jack's Wisdom, LLC
Eddie Fantastic by Chris Heimerdinger
The Rent Collector by Camron Wright
The world is flat by Thomas Friedman
The naked economist Charles Wheelan
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Lavine