Couch Potato or Guru, Which One Are You?
I was preparing for a class the other day and I came across some old notes that I wrote down from a class that I took. They were interesting to read because they brought me back to some of the things that have motivated me to further my education. We were talking about what level of learning we were at and what our motivations are at these different levels, take a look and see where you fit and perhaps where you ought to be. Level 1- Couch Potato- you hate learning. Level 2- Money Tree- learn for money, trade manuals, pursuit of property. Level 3- Self- Interest- What interests me or makes me happy. Level 4- Believer - Feel a duty and responsibility to learn, you're disciplined. Level 5- Breadth- Love to learn, changing becoming, you pursue your passion. Level 6- Depth- Dedicated, unending quest for knowledge. Level 7- Ultimate Synergy- You learn to be a statesman, a creator, learn and work for a higher cause. We all fit somewhere in these levels and it doesn't matter where we might be at this moment, what matters is, are we looking to move to a higher one? Wherever we might be there is so much more out there that we could learn, we just need to keep working at it. The journey of education is just that, a journey. There is no end to what we can learn and the joy we find in educating ourselves is the reward for our effort.
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