Wednesday, February 27, 2013

speech given by Alexander Stephenson

This is the link to a speech given by Alexander Stephenson, the Vice-President of the Confederate States of America.  Obviously, the Confederate States lost the Civil War, but I came across it while looking for something to write about for an essay in English 1010.  In this speech he outlines what is different between the old United States Constitution and the new Confederate Constitution, and why the Confederate Constitution is better.

I think Stephenson makes some good points in his speech.  He points out the tariffs tend to help one section of the country or economy while hurting others.  The protective tariffs in place at the time of the Civil War were meant to protect small American factories.  British and French factories could manufacture the same goods for a cheaper price, so the government put a tax on imports to make them as expensive as American made items.  This helps manufactures, but drives up the price paid by the consumers.  I think that protective tariffs is a bad idea, because if someone can make the same quality of goods for less they will probably be able to sell more.

He also points out that the internal improvements that the country had made were great.  The railroads had expanded, canals were being dug.  But at the time this speech was given the US government under the constitution was giving financial aid to help with these improvements.  Again, this type of "help" benefited one part of the country or economy, while putting others at disadvantages.  Why should I help pay taxes that go to another state to build a railroad that in no way effects me?  Or my area?

Stephenson also states that under the Confederate Constitution the president would only be allowed to serve one six year term.  He says that this is required so that a current president is not constantly campaigning and trying to get reelected.

But this imposes a term limit on the president.  I am not sure if I agree with term limits because I think that if someone knows they aren't eligible for office again they might do some things that are wrong, immoral or damaging to the country.  If I don't have to please voters, why should I please them?

Stephenson argues that slavery is right, politically, morally and socially.  I do not believe this.  Obviously the civil war was fought over this, and the North won, freeing the slaves.  I believe everyone is create equal, that all men, regardless of race, deserve to be treated with respect.  He said, correctly I might add, that Jefferson and the other founders believe slavery to be wrong, but they didn't know how to deal with it.  They hoped, and it was the prevailing idea among the founders, that slavery would eventually just die and go away.

These are just some thoughts I had while reading through this.

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