Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I believe that everyone, every single person, has a desire to be loved and understood.  I think everyone craves acceptance, something that a lot of people seem unwilling to give.  All everyone wants is to be told they are beautiful, good, talented, or what they want is good.  But how do people gain this acceptance?  Some turn to politics to be accepted.  They want to legalize and make a law that says they are decent people.  They want to tell people with laws that they are good people.  

Others turn to gangs.  I think most gangs out not exist if the members had a home where they felt loved and accepted.  Like in the movie Courageous.  The young kids turn away from home, if one exists for them.  They turn to anyone that will accept them, even doing something that they know is wrong to get accepted.  I think a solution is to fix the home.  But how do we do this?

Alma 31:5 And now, as the preaching of the word had a greater tendency to lead the people to do that which was just - yea, it had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which had happened upon them - therefore Alma thought it was expedient that they should try the virtue of the word of God.

Now, I don't think everyone need to be Mormon.  I do, however, think people need to be nice to others.  There is too much abuse, physical and mental, going on in the world.  Some people are self absorbed, believing others have to look after their every need and want.  Some are just lazy.  Life is hard, and it takes work.  But working is always worth it.  That is something I am continually learning.  I don't enjoy going to work most days.  But I do enjoy making money which allows me to have a home, food and a car.  I do believe that the homes of many Americans need to be fixed.  It all starts with one person.  If one person reaches out to someone, and helps them change their life for the better, it will cause a ripple effect on many generations.  

I think the solution to gaining acceptance of everyone is to follow what the scripture teach.  I wish everyone would agree with me on this, but they won't in this life.  Even after the Second Coming and Resurrection not everyone will agree with me on everything.  And that is OK.  I wish everyone would read at least the Bible, or whatever book they believe is a holy book, and try to follow what it teaches.  Only by abiding by the Bible, and the Book of Mormon, will people be truly happy.

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