I believe that while this line teaches a great lesson, an important lesson is often overlooked because of it. When we focus only on the doing or accomplishments in life, we often overlook how care we have become who we are. We have taken life step by step, day by day. We sometimes forget but no one is perfect the first time they try anything.
When you are born, you are not born knowing how to throw a baseball 98 mph. You are not born speaking. You and each baby must learn day by day, step by step. A baby falls hundreds of times before they are able to take those first steps, and even then they fall done from time to time. We must learn how to do things before we are able to do them.
“Life is a journey, not a destination.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
I believe that the do or do not statement makes us focus on our goals, which we should. Goals are good things to have. "Do or do not. There is not try," I feel implies that you either do something or you do not. Taken literally, this is absolutely true. But the lesson I feel is being lost in found in the Emerson quote above: "Life is a journey, not a destination."
Going on a journey takes effort. You must have a destination in mind. I wouldn't want to start on a road trip without knowing where I want to end up. You need maps and money to make sure you get there. In life, a goal can symbolize a journey. When you have a goal such as climb Mount Everest, you do not simply fly to the base and start climbing. You must prepare for it.
Making plans takes effort. Without effort, nothing gets done. If I want to do the dishes, but put in no effort, they stay dirty in the sink. When I think of the Yoda quote, sometimes I get discouraged because I am not able to do the things I want to. I place limitations on my expectations because either I do my goal or I don't. Often we can get discouraged because we see our goals as too big or unreasonable.
When I think that my goals in life are too big, I remember the Emerson quote, how I need to take the journey of life one day at a time. I often hate taking road trips, simply because of the travel involved. My knees get achy if they are in the same position for a long time, which they are in a car on a road trip. I want to get to the destination. But if I remember the end goal, the travel is worth it.
I also think that what we learn on the journey gets overlooked a lot of the time. If I am so impatient to reach the goal, I fail to see the beauty of the scenery, what wonders there are everywhere on this beautiful earth. There are interesting things everywhere, even in Wyoming.
Sometimes at the beginning of the year we have a tendency to set goals for the year which we are determined to accomplish. I find that most of those goals are left by the wayside, forgotten in the busyness of life. Looking back at the end of the year, I feel bad because I started out with such high hopes for my self for the year.
But when I look back, I see how I have changed because of that year. I have a goal to read 150 books in a year, which I doubt I will accomplish anytime soon. I am fine with that. It is something I would like to do eventually. What I want to do, is read to be educated. I love reading, and it has blessed my life immensely. I look at what I read trying to accomplish my goal of 150 books read in a year, and see what lessons those books I did read taught me.
If we do not quite reach our goals, just remember that what you have learned is often more important to who you are then accomplishing it would mean by itself. Many athletes aspire to reach the NBA, NFL, MLB or NHL. But very few actually do. I think athletics are important because of the lessons learned who participating in them: teamwork, dedication, individual skill are all important lessons to learn in life. They will help you while you take your life journey.
Once I dreamed of being a photographer. I took pictures of everything. As I did so, I didn't really enjoy it as much as I thought. I have noticed that while I may not become a photographer, I did begin to appreciate what it takes to be one. I look at stunning sunsets, photos of whales, and marvel at the skill it took to take that picture. Sometimes as we pursue a goal, we set a new one and pursue that one instead.
While we do need to take Yoda's advice, and do things, please do not forget to take the time to smell the roses at the side of the road. Do not overlook the life lessons you will gain as you journey to your destination. Remember, "Life is a journey not a destination"
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