Saturday, October 18, 2014

Recent events in science

Today I was browsing the web, and I thought I'd google "what is new in science?"  I clicked on a site called ''.  The site is devoted to recent research in science, and I found that most of the articles are easy to understand.  Often, while reading scientific articles I don't understand most of them because they use terms and phrases that make no sense to the average person.  So, whenever I go looking for science news, I'll go here.

Some of the newer developments include researchers believing they understand how mitochondria are formed.  Mitochondria are what give cells energy, thus powering everything that moves.  There is a comet that will pass within 88,000 miles of Mars on October 19th.  88,000 miles seems like a loooong distance away to me, but in space I guess that is pretty close.  Astronomers believe they have found galaxies that are 13 billion light years away, and that these galaxies may help us understand the formation of our Milky Way galaxy.

I guess I have been interested in science lately because I believe that Heavenly Father works within the laws of science, and I want to understand how He works.  I have seen what scientific discoveries can do, and I want to know what people are discovering.  Modern medicine is one discovery I am thankful for.  My wife recently had our first baby, and I am grateful for pain medicine for her.  I cannot imagine having a baby without it.

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