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The most significant academic talks I heard during my
service at BYU had one common characteristic. Instead of providing new facts or
advocating a particular position, as many lectures do, the most significant
talks changed the listeners' way of thinking about an important subject. Though
I am a devotional speaker rather than a lecturer on an academic subject, I am
going to make that same attempt today. I will attempt to change some listeners'
ways of thinking about an important subject—the matter of timing.
I begin with a story I heard many years ago at the inauguration
of a university president. It illustrates the importance of timing in
university administration. One university president had come to the end of his
period of service, and another was just beginning. As a gesture of goodwill,
the wise outgoing president handed his young successor three sealed envelopes.
"Hold these until you have the first crisis in your administration,"
he explained. "Then open the first one, and you will find some valuable
It was a year before the new president had a crisis. When he
opened the first envelope, he found a single sheet of paper on which were
written the words "Blame the prior administration." He followed that
advice and survived the crisis.
Two years later he faced another serious challenge to his
leadership. He opened the second envelope and read: "Reorganize your
administration." He did so, and the reorganization disarmed his critics
and gave new impetus to his leadership.
Much later the now-seasoned president encountered his third
major crisis. Eagerly he opened the last envelope, anticipating the advice that
would provide the solution for his troubles. Again he found a single sheet of
paper, but this time it read, "Prepare three envelopes." It was time
for new leadership.
The familiar observation that "timing is
everything" surely overstates the point, but timing is vital. We
read in Ecclesiastes:
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every
purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a
time to pluck up that which is planted; . . .
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a
time to dance; . . .
[A] time to embrace, and a time to refrain from
embracing; . . .
[A] time to keep silence, and a time to speak. [Ecclesiastes
3:1–2, 4–5, 7]
In all the important decisions in our lives, what is most
important is to do the right thing. Second, and only slightly behind
the first, is to do the right thing at the right time. People who do
the right thing at the wrong time can be frustrated and ineffective. They can
even be confused about whether they made the right choice when what was wrong
was not their choice but their timing.
I. The Lord's Timing
My first point on the subject of timing is that the Lord has
His own timetable. "My words are sure and shall not fail," the Lord
taught the early elders of this dispensation. "But," He continued,
"all things must come to pass in their time" (D&C 64:31–32).
The first principle of the gospel is faith in the Lord Jesus
Christ. Faith means trust—trust in God's will, trust in His way of doing
things, and trust in His timetable. We should not try to impose our timetable
on His. As Elder Neal A. Maxwell has said:
The issue for us is trusting God enough to trust also His
timing. If we can truly believe He has our welfare at heart, may we not let His
plans unfold as He thinks best? The same is true with the second coming and
with all those matters wherein our faith needs to include faith in the Lord's
timing for us personally, not just in His overall plans and purposes. [Even
As I Am (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1982), 93]
More recently, during last April conference, Elder Maxwell
said: "Since faith in the timing of the Lord may be tried, let us learn to
say not only, 'Thy will be done,' but patiently also, 'Thy timing be
done'" (CR, April 2001, 76; or "Plow in Hope," Ensign, May
2001, 59).
Indeed, we cannot have true faith in the Lord without also
having complete trust in the Lord's will and in the Lord's timing.
Among the persons who violate this principle are those who
advocate euthanasia. They are trying to take an essential matter that we
understand to be determined only by God and accelerate its occurrence according
to their own will or preference.
In our service in the Lord's church we should remember
that whenis just as important as who, what, where, and how.
For a vivid illustration of the importance of timing we can
look to the earthly ministry of the Lord and His succeeding instructions to His
Apostles. During His lifetime the Lord instructed the Twelve Apostles not to
preach to the Gentiles but "rather to the lost sheep of the house of
Israel" (Matthew 10:5–6; also see Matthew 15:22–26). Then, at the
appropriate time, this instruction was reversed in a great revelation to the
Apostle Peter. Only then, at the precise time dictated by the Lord, was the
gospel taken to the Gentiles (see Acts 10–11).
As this example shows, continuing revelation is the means by
which the Lord administers His timing. We need that revelatory direction. For
example, many of us or our descendants will doubtless participate in the
fulfillment of prophecies about the building of the city of New Jerusalem (see
D&C 84:2–4). But in this matter the timing is the Lord's, not ours. We will
not be approved or blessed in clearing the ground or pouring the footings for
that great project until the Lord has said that it is time. In this, as in so
many other things, the Lord will proceed in His own time and in His own way.
We prepare in the way the Lord has directed. We hold
ourselves in readiness to act on the Lord's timing. He will tell us when the
time is right to take the next step. For now, we simply concentrate on our own
assignments and on what we have been asked to do today. In this we are also
mindful of the Lord's assurance: "I will hasten my work in its time"
(D&C 88:73).
People who do not accept continuing revelation sometimes get
into trouble by doing things too soon or too late or too long. The practice of
polygamy is an example.
The importance of the Lord's timing is also evident in His
dietary laws. The Lord gave one dietary direction to ancient Israel. Much
later, because of the "evils and designs" that exist in these
"last days" (D&C 89:4), He has given us a Word of Wisdom suited
to the circumstances of our time, accompanied by the promised blessings we need
in our time.
The Lord's timing also applies to the important events of
our personal lives. A great scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants declares
that a particular spiritual experience will come to us "in his own time,
and in his own way, and according to his own will" (D&C 88:68). This
principle applies to revelation (see Oaks, "Teaching and Learning by the
Spirit," Ensign, March 1997, 11) and to all of the most
important events in our lives: birth, marriage, death, and even our moves from
place to place.
Here is an example from the life of a prominent pioneer
ancestor of many in this audience. Anson Call was in the initial exodus from
Nauvoo. He and his family crossed Iowa in the spring of 1846 and reached
Council Bluffs, Iowa, that summer. There Brigham Young was organizing wagon
companies. He appointed Anson Call captain of the first 10 wagons. The Twelve
ordered his wagon train to move west. It left the Missouri River for the West
on July 22, 1846. Organized by priesthood authority, they were directed toward
the Rocky Mountains, and they went westward with great energy.
After traveling more than 130 miles through what is now
Nebraska, this first wagon train was overtaken by new instructions directing
them not to proceed further that season. They found a place to winter, and
then, in the spring of 1847, returned east and rejoined the main body of the
Church on the Iowa side of the Missouri. There Anson Call and his family
remained for a year, making further preparations and helping others prepare for
the trip west. It was two years after their initial start westward in 1846 that
Anson Call and his family finally journeyed to the valleys of the mountains.
There the obedient and resourceful Anson Call was frequently used by Brigham
Young to begin new settlements in the Intermountain West. (See The Journal
of Anson Call [United States: Ethan L. Call and Christine Shaffer Call;
Afton, Wyoming: Shann L. Call, 1986], 36.)
What is the meaning of this pioneer experience? It is not
enough that we are under call, or even that we are going in the right
direction. The timing must be right, and if the time is not right, our actions
should be adjusted to the Lord's timetable as revealed by His servants.
The Lord's timing is often revealed in this way. Several
years ago President Hinckley announced the construction of a large number of
new temples, essentially doubling the number of operating temples of the Church
from about 50 to about 100 in just a few years. Having additional temples has
always been the direction to go, but until the prophet of the Lord signaled
this as a major initiative, no one could have properly urged such a sudden and
dramatic increase for the Church and its people. Only the Lord's prophet could
move the whole Church west. Only the Lord's prophet could signal the Church to
double its operating temples in just a few years.
In my conference talk last October I gave another
illustration—the importance of following the Lord's timing with those we try to
interest in hearing the gospel message. Proclaiming the gospel is His work, not
ours, and therefore it must be done on His timing, not ours. There are nations
in the world today that must hear the gospel before the Lord will come again.
We know this, but we cannot force it. We must wait upon the Lord's timing. He
will tell us, and He will open the doors or bring down the walls when the time
is right. We should pray for the Lord's help and directions so that we can be
instruments in His hands to proclaim the gospel to nations and persons who are
now ready—persons He would have us help today. The Lord loves all of His
children, and He desires that all have the fulness of His truth and the
abundance of His blessings. He knows when groups or individuals are ready, and
He wants us to hear and heed His timetable for sharing His gospel with them.
II. The Agency of Others
The achievement of some important goals in our lives is
subject to more than the timing of the Lord. Some personal achievements are
also subject to the agency of others. This is particularly evident in two
matters of special importance to young people of college age—missionary
baptisms and marriage.
Last summer Sister Oaks and I were in Manaus, Brazil. I
spoke to about a hundred missionaries in that great city on the Amazon. As I
stood to speak, I was prompted to put aside some notes I usually use on such
occasions and substitute some thoughts on the importance of timing—some of the
scriptures and principles I have been talking about today.
I reminded the missionaries that some of our most important
plans cannot be brought to pass without the agency and actions of others. A
missionary cannot baptize five persons this month without the agency and action
of five other persons. A missionary can plan and work and do all within his or
her power, but the desired result will depend upon the additional agency and
action of others. Consequently a missionary's goals ought to be based upon the
missionary's personal agency and action, not upon the agency or action of
But this is not the time to elaborate on what I told the
missionaries about goals. Instead I will share some other applications of the
principle of timing, giving illustrations from our personal lives.
III. Applications to Our Lives
Someone has said that life is what happens to us while we
are making other plans. Because of things over which we have no control, we
cannot plan and bring to pass everything we desire in our lives. Many important
things will occur in our lives that we have not planned, and not all of them
will be welcome. The tragic events of September 11th and their revolutionary
consequences provide an obvious example. Even our most righteous desires may
elude us, or come in different ways or at different times than we have sought
to plan.
For example, we cannot be sure that we will marry as soon as
we desire. A marriage that is timely in our view may be our blessing or it may
not. My wife Kristen is an example. She did not marry until many years after
her mission and her graduation. Older singles have some interesting
experiences. While she was at her sister's place to celebrate her fiftieth
birthday, her sister's husband shared something he had just read in a
newspaper. "Kristen," he said, "now that you are a single woman
over 50, your chances of marrying are not as good as your chances of being killed
by a terrorist."
The timing of marriage is perhaps the best example of an
extremely important event in our lives that is almost impossible to plan. Like
other important mortal events that depend on the agency of others or the will
and timing of the Lord, marriage cannot be anticipated or planned with
certainty. We can and should work for and pray for our righteous desires, but,
despite this, many will remain single well beyond their desired time for
So what should be done in the meantime? Faith in the Lord
Jesus Christ prepares us for whatever life brings. This kind of faith prepares
us to deal with life's opportunities—to take advantage of those that are
received and to persist through the disappointments of those that are lost. In
the exercise of that faith we should commit ourselves to the priorities and
standards we will follow on matters we do not control and persist faithfully in
those commitments whatever happens to us because of the agency of others or the
timing of the Lord. When we do this, we will have a constancy in our lives that
will give us direction and peace. Whatever the circumstances beyond our
control, our commitments and standards can be constant.
Sometimes our commitments will surface at unexpected times
and be applied in unexpected circumstances. Sometimes the principles we have
taught to others come back to guide our own actions when we think we don't need
them anymore. A personal experience illustrates this reality. Most Latter-day
Saint parents know the importance of giving their children reminders as they go
out on a date. I did this with our children, and I think they heeded my
counsel. During the time I was getting acquainted with Kristen, when I left the
house to meet her, one of my children said to me with a twinkle in the eye:
"Now Dad, remember who you are!"
The commitments and service of adult singles can anchor them
through the difficult years of waiting for the right time and the right person.
Their commitments and service can also inspire and strengthen others. The poet
John Greenleaf Whittier wrote of this in his wonderful poem
"Snow-Bound," which contains this description of a dear aunt who
never married:
The sweetest woman ever Fate
Perverse denied a household mate,
Who, lonely, homeless, not the less
Found peace in love's unselfishness,
And welcome whereso'er she went,
A calm and gracious element.
[John Greenleaf Whittier, "Snow-Bound: A Winter
Idyl," in Snow-Bound: Among the Hills: Songs of Labor: and Other
Poems(Boston; New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1898), lines 352–57]
Wise are those who make this commitment: I will put the
Lord first in my life and I will keep His commandments. The performance of
that commitment is within everyone's control. We can fulfill that commitment
without regard to what others decide to do, and that commitment will anchor us
no matter what timing the Lord directs for the most important events in our
Do you see the difference between committing to what you
will do,in contrast to trying to plan that you will be married by the time you
graduate or that you will earn at least X amount of dollars on your first job?
If we have faith in God and if we are committed to the
fundamentals of keeping His commandments and putting Him first in our lives, we
do not need to plan every single event—even every important event—and we should
not feel rejected or depressed if some things—even some very important
things—do not happen at the time we had planned or hoped or prayed.
Commit yourself to put the Lord first in your life, keep His
commandments, and do what the Lord's servants ask you to do. Then your feet are
on the pathway to eternal life. Then it does not matter whether you are called
to be a bishop or a Relief Society president, whether you are married or
single, or whether you die tomorrow. You do not know what will happen. Do your
best on what is fundamental and personal and then trust in the Lord and His
Life has some strange turns. I will share some personal
experiences that illustrate this.
When I was a young man I thought I would serve a mission. I
graduated from high school in June 1950. Thousands of miles away, one week
after that high school graduation, a North Korean army crossed the 38th
parallel, and our country was at war. I was 17 years old, but as a member of
the Utah National Guard I was soon under orders to prepare for mobilization and
active service. Suddenly, for me and for many other young men of my generation,
the full-time mission we had planned or assumed was not to be.
Another example: After I served as president of BYU for nine
years, I was released. A few months later the governor of the state of Utah
appointed me to a 10-year term on the supreme court of this state. I was then
48 years old. My wife June and I tried to plan the rest of our lives. We wanted
to serve the full-time mission neither of us had been privileged to serve. We
planned that I would serve 20 years on the state supreme court. Then, at the
end of two 10-year terms, when I would be nearly 69 years old, I would retire
from the supreme court and we would submit our missionary papers and serve a
mission as a couple.
I had my 69th birthday last summer and was vividly reminded
of that important plan. If things had gone as we planned, I would now be
submitting papers to serve a mission with my wife June.
Four years after we made that plan I was called to the
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles—something we never dreamed would happen.
Realizing then that the Lord had different plans and different timing than we
had assumed, I resigned as a justice of the supreme court. But this was not the
end of the important differences. When I was 66, my wife June died of cancer.
Two years later—a year and a half ago—I married Kristen McMain, the eternal
companion who now stands at my side.
How fundamentally different my life is than I had sought to
plan! My professional life has changed. My personal life has changed. But the
commitment I made to the Lord—to put Him first in my life and to be ready for
whatever He would have me do—has carried me through these changes of eternal
Faith and trust in the Lord give us the strength to accept
and persist, whatever happens in our lives. I did not know why I received a
"no" answer to my prayers for the recovery of my wife of many years,
but the Lord gave me a witness that this was His will, and He gave me the
strength to accept it. Two years after her death, I met this wonderful woman
who is now my wife for eternity. And I know that this also was the will of the
I return to the subject with which I began. Do not rely on
planning every event of your life—even every important event. Stand ready to
accept the Lord's planning and the agency of others in matters that inevitably
affect you. Plan, of course, but fix your planning on personal commitments that
will carry you through no matter what happens. Anchor your life to eternal
principles, and act upon those principles whatever the circumstances and
whatever the actions of others. Then you can await the Lord's timing and be
sure of the outcome in eternity.
The most important principle of timing is to take the long
view. Mortality is just a small slice of eternity, but how we conduct ourselves
here—what we become by our actions and desires, confirmed by our covenants and
the ordinances administered to us by proper authority—will shape our destiny
for all eternity. As the prophet Amulek taught, "This life is the time for
men to prepare to meet God" (Alma 34:32). That reality should help us take
the long view—the timing of eternity. As President Charles W. Penrose declared
at a general conference memorializing the death of President Joseph F. Smith:
Why waste your time, your talents, your means, your
influence in following something that will perish and pass away, when you could
devote yourselves to a thing that will stand forever? For this Church and
kingdom, to which you belong, will abide and continue in time, in eternity,
while endless ages roll along, and you with it will become mightier and more
powerful; while the things of this world will pass away and perish, and will
not abide in nor after the resurrection, saith the Lord our God. [CR, June
1919, 37]
I pray that each of us will hear and heed the word of the
Lord on how to conduct ourselves in mortality and set our standards and make
our commitments so that we can be in harmony and in tune with the timing of our
Father in Heaven. I testify of Jesus Christ, our Savior, whose Church this is,
in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
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